Una chica muda es secuestrada, drogada y obligada a trabajar como prostituta en un burdel. Cuando ella se niega a cumplir los deseos de un cliente, su cruel administrador le vaca un ojo. THRILLER A CRUEL PICTURE is finally making its U. DVD debut in this Uncensored Limited Edition. With only 25, 000 units in the total DVD production run, this cult gem will soon be gone forever! Order now so you don t miss out on THE exploitation DVD release of the year. Thriller En grym film Schweden 1974 Bo Arne Vibenius Christina Lindberg Heinz Hopf Solveig Andersson Despina Tomazani A cult classic in the vein of I Spit On Your Grave Frigga lives with her parents on their farm. Unable to speak after being horrifically raped by an eld Watch Thriller: A Cruel Picture Online Full Movie, thriller: a cruel picture full hd with English subtitle. Stars: Christina Lindberg, Per Axel Arosenius, Heinz Hopf, Despina Tomazani, Solveig Andersson, Bjrn Kristiansson, Marie Louise Mannervall, Hildur Lindberg Some movies are so evil that viewers are left wanting to take showers and schedule Pixar marathons. And then theres Thriller: A Cruel Picture, a Swedish eyegouger that sets the gold standard. Thriller A cruel picture me parece una pelcula muy interesante y muy recomendable, no hasta el punto de encumbrarla a obra de culto, pero s una pelcula que merece la pena. Publicado por Einer el sbado, marzo 24, 2012. Find great deals for Thriller A Cruel Picture (DVD, 2004, Unrated, Uncensored). Thriller: A Cruel Picture A young woman, muted after a sexual assault as a child, is trained to seek violent revenge on those who have wronged her. Thriller tells the story of a mute young woman who is being forced into heroin addiction for which she has to work as a prostitute, and her revenge on the men responsible. Thriller A Cruel Picture Full Movie BME TV Net is owned by the Black and Minority Ethnic Television, Film Media (BMETVFM) Charitable Foundation. Resumo Thriller: A Cruel Picture um cinematogrfica uruguaio e palestino de 1948, dos gneros cinebiografia e o negcio, dirigido atravs Isley Tristan, escrito atravs Fateh Cate, produzido por Justina Abuhurairah e distribudo pela Simitar Eenterprize. Thriller: A Cruel Picture um filme exploitation do subgnero raperevenge. o filme foi proibido na Sucia logo em sua estreia devidos suas cenas forte de perverso e sexo explicito. para voc ter uma ideia, o filme que antes tinha 107 minutos teve que ser reduzindo para 104 minutos, depois para 86 minutos at chegar em 82 minutos onde finalmente conseguiu passar em pases como os. The version of Thriller: A Cruel Picture reviewed here in its original Swedish language is the 107 minute uncut Limited Edition release. Thriller: A Cruel Picture is a completely successful exploitation cult film, despite the flaws I mentioned it works really well and is a film worth checking out if your a fan of grindhouse. Classic rape and revenge movie! A young girl, forcibly became a prostitute, a sophisticated revenge men molested and raped her soul over her body. With Christina Lindberg, Heinz Hopf, Despina Tomazani, PerAxel Arosenius. A young woman, muted after a sexual assault as a child, is trained to seek violent revenge on those who have wronged her after being kidnapped and forced to work as a prostitute. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Thriller: A Cruel Picture at Amazon. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users..